Why Have A Dog?
Three gems of your life are love, self~esteem, and true friends
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5:41 PM
Labels: Dog
Celebrity birthdays are always a joyous occasion, but this one holds a particularly special place in the heart of The Hollywood Gossip staff - and the world.
Two years ago today, Suri Cruise was brought into the world as the souls of Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes and whatever aliens they worship bonded for all eternity.
Or something like that. Point being: Suri Cruise is as cute as it gets - even if we were convinced for months that she was either Asian or a complete hoax.
She’s accomplished so much - appearing on magazine covers, learning to walk, talk a little, eat solid food - in just two years. Just imagine what the future holds.
We love all celebrity babies - especially Shiloh, Jayden James, Sean Preston and Kingston - but Suri may be our all-time favorite. Happy birthday, sweetie.
Other chicks celebrating their day o’ birth today? Ugly Betty star America Ferrera, 24, and the always-pregnant Melissa Joan Hart, 32. Happy birthday, ladies!
When does your favorite star, young or old, celebrate the anniversary of his or her birth? Confer with our fun celebrity birthday calendar and find out now!
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12:50 PM
Labels: Gossip
“I feel like a really lucky lady,” Ashlee Simpson said on the Today show this week of getting engaged to Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz.
As for whether she’s pregnant - which has been reported by numerous sources, yet she continues to deny repeatedly - she added “Time will tell.”
Give us an effing break. We’re guessing The Hollywood Gossip is not the only observer who wants to tell her “just shut up and admit it already!”
Is “singer” Ashlee Simpson pregnant? Obviously. But simply coming out and admitting it doesn’t keep the tabloids talking and writing about you 24-7, does it?
In case anyone forgot, Ashlee Simpson is already:
That would be enough for most people to admit they’re knocked up, but no, not this plastic phony and shameless media whore.
With her new album out, might as well keep the pe
ople guessing, right? It’s not like she has any talent to fall back on, after all.
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12:20 PM
Labels: Gossip
Adults also get report cards, you just have to know where to look.
A little girl and her mother were out and about. The girl, out of the blue, asked her mother, “Mommy, How old are you?” The mother responded, “Honey, women don’t talk about their age. You’ll learn this as you get older.
The girl then asked, “Mommy, how much do you weigh?” Her mother responded again, “That’s another thing women don’t talk about. You’ll learn this, too, as you grow up.”
The girl still wanting to know about her mother, then fires off another question, “Mommy, Why did you and Daddy get a divorce?” The mother, a little annoyed by the questions, responded, “Honey, that is a subject that hurts me very much, and I don’t want to talk about it now.”
The little girl, frustrated, sulks until she is dropped off at a friend’s house to play. She consults with her girlfriend about her and her mother’s conversation. The girlfriend says, “All you have to do is sneak and look at your mother’s driver’s license. It’s just a like a report card from school. It tells you everything.”
Later, the little girl and her mother are out and about again. The little girl starts off with, “Mommy, Mommy, I know how old you are. I know how old you are. You’re 32 years old.” The mother is very shocked. She asks, “Sweetheart, how do you know that?” The little girl shrugs and says, “I just know. And I know how much you weigh. You weigh 130 pounds.” “Where did you learn that?” The little girl says, “I just know. And I know why you and daddy got a divorce. You got an “F” in sex.”
Posted by
10:29 PM
Labels: funny
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6:22 PM
Labels: Cute
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1:53 PM
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1:49 PM
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1:25 PM
Labels: Design
Big or small breasts have their own advantages. For example women with small breasts have faces.
Here are some of the differences between the two.
with big breasts…
..can get a taxi on the worst days
..have a neat place to carry spare change
..have always been the center of the arts (art)
..make jogging a spectator sport (a personal favorite of mine)
..can keep a magazine dry while laying in the tub
..have more negotiating power (with men shorter than them)
..usually can find leftover popcorn after a movie
..can always carry a little extra
..always float better
..know where to look first for lost earrings
..rarely lack for a slow dance partner
..have a place to set their glasses when sitting in an armless recliner
Women with small breasts…
..don’t cause a traffic accident every time they bend over in public
..always look younger
..find that dribbled food makes it to the napkin on their lap
..can always see their toes and shoes
..can sleep on their stomachs
..have no trouble sliding behind the wheel of small cars
..know that people can read the entire message on their t-shirts
..know that everything more than a handful is wasted
..can come late to a theater and not disrupt an entire aisle
..can take aerobic class without running the risk of knocking themselves out.
Posted by
12:53 PM
Labels: funny
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